Tuesday, December 3, 2013


(not a true story and not about me really...if it were everything would be sunshine and rainbows and fluffy bunnies...except for the war crime trials which would be televised and I would raffle off the honor of executioner for many of them such as w Rumsfeld yoo cheney obama and many others...just because we need to recoup some of the money wasted by them...)

so, thinking long term...just what have you actually discovered? jack. and just how long do you believe the corporate bottom line will continue financing the crap?

moving on (and of course taking the long way to humor some)...

if perv drones and behavioral and neuroscience were the new penalty for illegal drug use (and let me clarify, not illegal, just no prescription)...and as usual cops don't do dick (they close investigations with arrests not with convictions and often refuse to file reports correctly so why pay for crap work)...

so why do we need cops to not investigate crimes...

so prosecutors can not prosecute...(and most convictions are plea deals even if they are based on no evidence and lean on people, flat out threaten them to give in, crappy job done in a crappy way so why pay for that crap)...

and we obviously don't need to waste money on prisons at that point...

so fewer cop jobs that are automated with drones and reduced court staff and prisons just won't make their numbers...

aw...and automated programs mean we wont be needing students working on phds to do this crap...

there is no reason for anyone to pay someone to do some sexualized torture dahmer crap when it is easily automated, unless it is for their own personal yayas in which case they are not relying on that pay check anyway...

exactly what have they learned other than absolutely nothing. what we do know and did learn a long time ago about crap they obviously don't understand.

for a group that is afraid of criminal prosecution, they certainly are pro-fuck due process so that is a bit strange...pretty sure pro-evil dictator regime is the worst choice...

if I were an evil dictator with my own regime and it just happened to be the US...obvious starting points would be anyone aware of the technology and especially those that designed it or can operate it, gone. weakest points for attacking technology or using against me or for their own evil plans. i'm assuming most of it is automated and it doesn't take tons of really smart people to use it just a few dumbasses right? those that are not government or military such as private contractors or forgein companies or American companies here and elsewhere, fuck them. a dictator controlling the US would not give a fuck. televise it. three groups of people. me. people that have no idea what information I am obliterating. the dead. if I gave a fuck about manual manipulation of people or what they think or why, why would I be stuffing them into cyborgs or onto computer chips? like I have to avoid accidently making a cyborg too human like? not likely. as for trying to control their brains or destroy sections until they become easier to manage as slaves, why fucking bother. people think too highly of people and can't quite eliminate themselves from the majority of the equation. how do dispose of billions of bodies so they aren't rotting and bloating and fucking up the environment all at once. load the carcasses onto rockets and fly them towards the sun and maybe blow them up in space whichever is more efficient and wont be fucking up my air. as fun as pervs are, they get all limited in their thinking rather quickly, which is one of the reasons they are fun and never quite see it coming but they never learn. when people say your brain is your largest sex organ I think they mean have an intelligent conversation dumbass not learn to use science to diddle peoples brains. and the complete control sex slave thing? nice if you are looking for something a step away from masturbating. if you really want to control everything masturbation tends to be the quickest least annoying way to get there and anything similar is well, similar. what a pain in the ass it must be to micromanage it all and then holy fuck if you are a serial killer type, have to hide it, at least from the majority of the planet if not from your co-workers at domestic spying central, ha ha, like any of you could hide it from your co-workers...managers...bosses...ha ha ha ha ha...

so exactly what do you think 'no victims no witnesses' sounds like to the victim? like there are definitely witnesses that's what and dumb enough to think drones satellites and other surveillance vehicles and all the data stored and partners in crime are not witnesses...hell they can even pluck those memories straight out of brains if the information can't be found anywhere else... duh