Friday, June 28, 2013

American front line against the PATRIOTs

From the front line within the border.

Arizona. Pima County and Maricopa County. Pinal County. Tucson Police Department, Pima County Sherriff's Department, Mesa Police Department.

Torture. Oppression. UnConstitutional. UnAmerican.

Crimes according to our laws include but are not limited to...

Extortion, blackmail, hostage taking, kidnapping, torture (physical and mental - which I might add for the neuroscience tards mental does not include physical torture of the brain and all the fucked up new forms of torture that includes because that is actually physical torture), human trafficking and slavery, sexual slavery and trafficking, (both including minors), medical torture, psychiatric torture, Nazi science, usurping power, tyranny, pedophilia, human sacrifice, terrorism, biological attacks, chemical attacks, radiological attacks, nuclear attacks, attacks with other weapons found in the electromagnetic spectrum including 'microwaves', propaganda, seizing communications to misinform the populace, using communications to confuse and attack the populace, voyeurism, threats and intimidation, use of lethal, less than lethal, and nonlethal weapons during the crime, facilitating, collusion, conspiracy, accessory to, accomplice, acting in concert, war crimes, rape, homicide, poisoning, drug facilitated rape, assault, under color of law, aggravated assault, home invasion, robbery, burglary, mortgage fraud, street gangs, racketeering, illegal control of an enterprise, fraudulent schemes, trafficking in stolen property, impersonating public servant, tampering with public record, obstructing criminal investigations, and of course several other crimes. The defense these morons chant on their radio is there is no crime against it (the crimes). 'It' apparently also being the dehumanization of humans in order to more effectively attack 'it' by distancing themselves from the victims and simultaneously insisting the victim either wants to be victimized and/or they are not attacking a human therefore it is not a crime.

I am an American. I use bad words a lot so if you are offended I don't care because I am offended.
George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice are war criminals.
That is the burden of the beast. Great power and great responsibility. Running America is not some scamper through a magical land where the duality of being a leading world power and abusing that power are acceptable and unquestioned. True, that crap often runs together, but people hate that shit.
I do not trust my government. I do not like to be spied on nor do I believe it is legal. The PATRIOT ACT and all the crap that goes with it is illegal and should merely be scribbled out. John C Yoo, John Ashcroft, Eric Holder, Janet Reno, and the Department of Justice are out of their fucking minds but that does not equal an insanity defense for the fuckers.
I think the UC system should not employ John C Yoo because it sends the wrong message.
They should all be tried as war criminals. Janet Reno lowered the behavior standard of her position and acclimated my generation to such crap and therefore cleared the way for more of the same or worse.
The message is that they are on board with the behavior and cannot be better simply because they do not wish to be.
No responsibility. Pass the buck. Blah blah bullcrap!
The second coming of Bush included too much crap to be a coincidence.
Where do we end up? Committing torture? Rape? Spying on Americans? Lying about technological capabilities in order to make people sound insane?
And because the CIA is full of fuck ups we are all like them?

and apparently their only real concern is how to evade punishment while making a buck so why wouldn't lobotomies and sexual slavery go hand in hand in a world where torture victims are in demand, except why pay for what they normally take based on what they are into so what the fuck are these retards really thinking? other than they tend to over exaggerate the street value of everything and the dumbasses in the police state/militarized (centralized) police are playing capitalism with 'ordained means free you stupid fucks'

only slightly funnier is the world wide white pride as though whites haven't abused whites for any excuse under the sun and the kkk are not the same as Nazi are not the same as british monarchy are not the same as me are not the same as divide by ancestral bloodlines and nationality and religion and economic status and education and and and are just a few of the lines dividing whites but what makes us think any other ethnic group is that different?  how about by behavior against realistic law and not prohibition or some other arbitrary crap.

of course ameri-tards think England is an ally Japan shouldn't be pissed off and Germany doesn't have any deep seated residual bullshit in it like hitler youth what the fuck do you think that crap is specifically in the Constitution for - don't get involved and don't get sucked into the ally crap because they all turn on each other eventually and for the dumbest of reasons so don't be dumb with them these people spy on themselves and destroy themselves so what the fuck do you think they do to people that aren't them? welcome to it

we are definitely based on blue collar even those that weren't because of the hostile conditions here (no we are not the nation wide palace of the west that meets their standards of accommodations nor were we ever trying to be so why the fuck some people are impressed by things and not behavior is fucking beyond me) 


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